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    Sustainable Development Goals

    INPACS drives high standards and innovation for sustainable value chains from production to disposal. Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate culture as family business. Our sustainability strategy is underpinned by the official framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


    Our INPACS sustainability strategy is based on the shown 6 SDGs where we can have the biggest impact with our business activities.


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    Our Ambassadors

    To promote the topics of the SDG goals in our network we nominated for each goal an ambassador.


    Smaro Babani

    VARIO, Greece


    “Equal opportunities for all genders at work are a fundamental condition for healthy working environments and societies.”


    Håkon Skjellevik-Heger

    Norengros, Norway


    “Respect for human rights at work as well as safe and secure working environments are crucial to resilient operations and supply chains.”


    Darren Broad

    Nationwide, UK


    “As a worldwide business network diversity is part of our DNA and shall be protected as a fundamental value.”


    Julia Del Pino



    “Effective changes in the way societies produce and consume are imperative for future (human) life on this planet.”


    Wanda van’t Veer

    Hazet, Netherlands


    “The recent pandemic gives us a foretaste of what a fullfledged climate crisis could entail in terms of simultaneous shocks to supply, demand and human health.”


    José Del Pino



    “To successfully face global sustainability challenges and opportunities we need to build effective parnerships with the relevant stakeholders.”